Historic Photos

Plan of the Louisbourg Lighthouse / Vue de Fanal (1730)

"Veu de la Ville de Louisbourg prise en dedans du Port  - Rochefort Point (1731)

View of Louisbourg from the Harbor (1731)

Plan of the profile and elevation for La Porte de la Reine (1733)

Plan for La Porte Dauphine de Louisbourg (1733)

View from Battery Island looking towards the Fortress (1735)

The British Attack on Louisbourg (1745)

Attack on Louisbourg (1758)

View at the 1758 Attack on Louisbourg from the Centre Redoubt by Major General Amherst (1758)

Modern Birds eye view rendition drawing of Louisbourg 

Modern Bird's eye view rendition drawing of Louisbourg along the Le Quay 

Modern Bird's eye view rendition drawing of Louisbourg along the Maurepas Gate 

Modern Bird's eye view rendition drawing of Louisbourg along Rue St. Louis and the Bastion du Roi

Early 1900's Louisbourg Reconstruction