Photo Catalog 2017-2023 (Organized by Provenience)

2017 Field Season


Burial 1 (55L34A1/2017)

Burial 2 (55L34A2/2017)

Burial 5 (55L34A5/2017)

Burial 24 (55L34ACL/2017

Burial 25 (55L34C25/2017)

Cufflinks/Shirt links

Burial 2 (55L34A2/2017)

Burial 18 (55L34A18/2017)

Burial 20 (55L34A20/2017)

Burial 23 (55L34B23/2017)

Coffin / Shroud Pin Fragments 

Burial 3 (55L34A3/2017)

Shroud Pin Fragment 

Burial 15 (55L34B15/2017)

Decorative Copper Tacks

Burial 19 (55L34A19/2017)

Coffin Wood (Plank Fragment)

Burial 21 (55L34C21/2017)

Coffin Lid Fragments w Copper Tacks


AD 1....."


Burial 23 (55L34B23/2017)

Burial 17 (55L34B17/2017)

Burial 19 (55L34A19/2017)

Lot 3 (55L33C3-1/2017)

Metal-Alloy Crucifix 

Lot 3 (55L33D3-2/2017)

2018 Field Season


Burial 35 (55L34DN35/2018)

Burial 36 (55L34DN36/2018)

Burial 42 (55L34GM42/2018)

Burial 58 (55L34CD58/2018)

Cufflinks / Shirt Links 

Burial 42 (55L34GM42/218)

Coffins / Shroud Pin Fragments 

Burial 36 (55L34DN36/2018)

Shroud Pin Fragment 

Burial 38 (55L34DN38/2018)

Shroud Pin Fragment

Burial 38B (55L34DN38B/2018)

2 Shroud Pins w Hair

Burial 44 (55L34M44/2018)

Oxidized Iron Coffin Handle 

Burial 58 (55L34CD58/2018)

Shroud Pins w Hair/Fabric

Buckles / Fasteners

Burial 46 (55L34D46/2018)

Copper Ring, Possible Buckle 

Lot 3 (55L33M3/2018)


Lot 2 (55L33M2/2018)


2019 Field Season


Burial 65 (55L34C65/2019)

Burial 70 (55L34P70/2019)

Burial 85 (55L34K85/2019)

Burial 90 (55L34FKQ90/2019)

Burial 99 (55L34KQ99/2019)

Coffin / Shroud Pin Fragments

Burial 65 (55L34C65/2019)

Burial 69/82 (55L34L69/82-2019)

Coffin Fragment w Decorative Copper Tacks

Burial 81 (55L34L81/2019)

Coffin Fragments w Decorative Copper Tacks

Buckles / Fasteners

Burial 96 (55L34KQ96/2019)

Copper Ring (not Jewelry)

Burial 100 (55L34L100/2019)


Burial 82 (55L34L82/2019)

Remains of melted lead from lead shot

Burial 87 (55L34C87/2019)

Copper Aiglet (possibly decorative)

Burial 94 (55L34L94/2019)

Gun Flint

2020 Field Season - Cancelled  (Covid 19 Pandemic)

2021 Field Season


Burial 106 (55L34T106/2021)

Burial 116 (55L34U116/2021)

Burial 120 (55L34T120/2021)

Cufflinks / Shirt Links

Burial 106 (55L34T106/2021)

Coffin / Shroud Pin Fragments 

Burial 120 (55L34T120/2021)

Complete Shroud Pin

2022 Field Season

Coffin / Shroud Pin Fragments 

Burial 135 (55L34U135/2022)

Coffin Fragments w Decorative Copper Tacks 

"A" & "B"

Burial 154 (55L34FQ154/2022)

Fragmented Shroud Pin

Burial 155 (55L34FQ155/2022)

Intact Shroud Pin

Buckles / Fasteners

Burial 136 (55L34FQ136/2022)

Pantaloon Buckle Fragment 


Lot 2 (55L34XSurface)

Flattened Copper-alloy object, possibly jewelry 

2023 Field Season


Burial 176 (55L34BBCC176/2023)

Burial 196 (55L34BBCC196/2023)

Burial 204 (55L34BBCC204/2023)

Burial 212 (55L34AA212/2023)

Cufflinks / Shirt links

Burial 176 (55L34BBCC176/2023)

Coffin / Shroud Pin Fragments

Burial 201 (55L34BB201/2023)

Example of Coffin Nails / Coffin Fragments

Burial 211 (55L34CCDD211/2023)

Intact Shroud Pin (Bent)

Burial 215 (55L34AA215/2023)

Whole Shroud Pin (in 2 pcs)

Buckles / Fasteners

Burial 195 (55L34BBCC196/2023)

Fragmented Copper-alloy object, attached to fabric, possible clasp / handle

Burial 204 (55L34BBCC204/2023)

Fragmented Copper-alloy object, center square fastener with 2 circular fastens on either side


Burial 180 (55L34W180/2023)

Brick from possible Grave Marker Foundation

Burial 204 (55L34BBCC204/2023)

Musket Ball